I Like That: An Inspired List of Huntsville Quirks, Finds and Daily Pleasures
If like me, you’ve spent a mindless hour or two scrolling through TikTok, you may have run across user, @lynee_monae, who hilariously compiles a list of mundane life occurrences or general minor annoyances and ends each observation with the disapproving phrase, “Ion Like Dat.” Though I respect her humor and comfort with expressing her general displeasure on these topics, I find my overall attitude in life lands me much more in the “I Like That” column. With this in mind, I looked around at this fair city of ours and made my own list for your consideration.
When does a leisurely day antique shopping turn into an artistic experience and feast for the senses?! Why, it’s when you visit Flucy Lucy Antique Market with its art installations, hidden passageways and secret glow in the dark Uranium glass room. I like that.

From this already picturesque spot in Big Spring Park, you are just steps away (less than 100 yards) from stops on the Downtown Huntsville Craft Coffee Trail, Downtown Huntsville Craft Cocktail Trail, Downtown Huntsville Craft Beer Trail, the Arts Huntsville SPACES Sculpture Trail, Lucky Duck Scavenger Hunt, Madison County Historic Marker Challenge, North Alabama Mural Trail and the Downtown Huntsville Secret Art Trail. That should keep you busy for a while! I like that.

Our community is so full of smart and interesting folks who want to share all they know about the Rocket City and what make it special with others, we have a whole dang company where you can build your own tour to do so, Touronimo! I like that.

As Huntsville residents, we can enjoy an event at Mars Music Hall or Orion Amphitheater, sip our daily cup of joe at Rocket City Coffee Company, or tip back a frosty T-Minus Kolsch or Monkeynaut IPA. We have the privilege of doing so earnestly and without the least bit or irony. I like that.

Just when you thought there no more outlets with which to express your admiration for our stellar city, AM Collective, in Clinton Row said, “Hold my hoop!” Embroidery hoop, that is. I like that.

It’s no secret InnerSpace Brewing is a personal favorite of mine (that Blueberry Milkshake has got some sort of mystical hold on your girl!) But even if that wasn’t the case, Y’ALL, we’ve got a brewery painted up on the inside like a Saturn V ready for her big day! Plus, there’s the aforementioned delicious beer with names like ISS: International Strawberry Sensation, Dark Skies and IC3PA. I like that.

A One block and a bit more stretch of Jordan Lane from I-565 to Holmes is home to two kinds of Cajun food (New Orleans Lunchbox and Tim’s Cajun Kitchen), Sitar Indian Cuisine, Viet Cuisine, La Alameda Mexican Restaurant, I Love Korea, New China Buffet, and the unique “nerdy fare” of ToyBox Bistro. I like that.

Sure, I could do this all day! But I’d rather hear about some of the Rocket City’s special traits, hidden treasures and tasty temptations that bring a little smile to your face and put some happiness in your heart.
You can drop them in the comments. I’d really, really like that.

Sixth-generation native Huntsvillian and lover of all things Rocket City, living in constant fear of personal geekery deficits and overall lack of geographical nerd-appropriateness, but valiantly fighting to stay abreast of the latest and perceived coolest assets in North Alabama in order to be allowed to stay at the smart people party. I sometimes travel to cool places, see fancy things and write words about them at Tour Dates Travel.
Stella’s Elixir Lounge!
Ooh, that is a good one. I like that, too. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment.