Are you ready for a city-wide scavenger hunt where you could win prizes? Shenanigans Comedy Theatre invites you to their Finding the Funny scavenger hunt on June 4th! Here are some details to help you sign up and enjoy the fun!
A team can consist of 1-4 people, and at least one person has to be able to drive a car and have a cellphone. Each team can enter for $20, and all you have to do is sign up online at The cut-off for joining is midnight on June 3rd.
Shenanigans Comedy Theatre:
Each team starts at Shenanigans Comedy Theatre (2650 Leeman Ferry Road Ste, A in Huntsville) at 1 pm to make sure everyone has everything they need to complete the hunt. Make sure to grab snacks and drinks before heading out on your tasks. You’ll be back by 3 pm to determine who won and get your prizes!
Scavenger Hunt:
Each “mission” is point-based. So teams can split up and collect as many points as possible or stick together and go for the significant points! Teams will use the free Goosechase App to get the latest information and missions for the hunt. You’ll try to decipher funny or historical clues to find the correct locations throughout the city of Huntsville. You may have to snap photos, check-in at a place, or even do a quick video. It will be a blast for a group activity, and at the end, the screen at Shenanigans Comedy Theatre will show off your photos and videos!
Not only do you get to have fun, but you could also win some fantastic prizes. We Are Huntsville and BioGamer Girl are the two main sponsors. Thanks to our sponsors, you have the chance to win cash, online game codes, gift cards, movie memorabilia, haircuts, and of course, tickets to upcoming Shenanigans shows.
Finding the Funny Scavenger Hunt is a fundraiser for Shenanigans Comedy Theatre. Their goal is to make comedy accessible and make everyone feel welcome on stage. They do this by providing spaces for comedians and improv troupes to perform and hosting Weird Kids Meetups each month. Grab your friends and get your team together to have fun and find the funny!

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