We have amazing support from Madison County’s nonprofit community and these specific partners. Want to know more, check ’em out!
Website: http://www.artshuntsville.org/
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter
Info: Arts Huntsville stimulates and supports community creativity and engagement by advancing the arts, entertainment and culture to enrich quality of life, education, and economic development in the greater Huntsville metropolitan region.
Our vision is Huntsville as the premier mid-sized city for the arts, entertainment, and culture in the Southeastern United States.
Website: broadwaytheatreleague.org
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter
Info: Broadway Theatre League of Huntsville provides professional live theatre for citizens of the Tennessee Valley area to complete a well-rounded educational and cultural program and to give students of the Tennessee Valley area a unique opportunity to develop an appreciation of, and love for, live theatre through these educational experiences.
Website: burrittonthemountain.com
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Info: Burritt on the Mountain is a Living Museum that includes Dr. William Henry Burritt’s eclectic mansion, a historic park with restored 19th-century houses, a barnyard and animals, and features concerts, plays and exhibits.
Website: communityfoundationhsv.org
Social Media: Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram
Info: The Community Foundation works to improve the quality of life in our community through philanthropy. We work with individuals, families and businesses to develop a personalized and tax-efficient plan for giving back to our community in a high-impact way.
Website: dittolanding.org
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter
Info: Whether you arrive by land or water there is no mistaking the beauty and serenity of Ditto Landing. Located on the picturesque Tennessee River at the southern edge of Huntsville, Alabama this marina is nestled in lush greenery, and surrounded by serene mountain foothills. Bass, bream, and catfish are plentiful in the sparkling waters where sailboats and yachts cruise side by side. Along with water recreation, Ditto Landing plays host to many special events throughout the year.
Website: earlyworks.com
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Info: EarlyWorks Museums- Alabama Constitution Village, the Historic Huntsville Depot and EarlyWorks Children’s History Museum in downtown Huntsville will take you on a journey back in time– experience history come to life in unique settings such as a 46-foot river keelboat, an 1860’s era depot or the cabinet shop where delegates stood to sign the Alabama State Constitution in 1819. Your incredible adventure awaits at the South’s largest hands-on history museum complex.
Website: fantasyplayhouse.com
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Info: Throughout its history, Fantasy has earned a position of community respect through its award-winning stage productions, responsibility in working with young people, financial stability and cooperation with other arts groups and civic organizations.
Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theater is a non-profit organization. Our goal is to bring the love of theater and stagecraft to the youth of north Alabama. Fantasy Playhouse has three major branches, Productions, The Fantasy Academy, and the Fantasy Players.
Website: huntsvilleal.gov/
Social Media: Facebook | Instagram
Info: Led by Mayor Tommy Battle and the City’s Parks & Recreation Department, Healthy Huntsville is sponsored by the following non-profit organizations: City of Huntsville, Huntsville Hospital, Huntsville City Schools, HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, and the Huntsville-Madison County Health Department. These organizations are working with the community to offer FREE programs throughout the year to help educate our citizens on wellness and good physical health. Our goal is to: Reduce obesity by promoting healthy eating and active lifestyles.
Website: https://www.huntsvilleballet.org/
Social Media: Facebook | Instagram
Info: Huntsville Ballet Company brings the finest quality of dance to the region, performing ballets such as The Nutcracker, Romeo and Juliet, The Firebird, Cinderella and The Sleeping Beauty. Each year The Nutcracker affords students from Huntsville Ballet School the opportunity to audition and perform with the Company.
The Huntsville Ballet Company and Huntsville Ballet School are under the umbrella of Community Ballet Association, Inc., a non-profit member of the state and local Arts Councils.
Website: hcmg.us
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter
Info: Founded by the early German Rocket Scientists in 1952, the Huntsville Chamb…Founded by the early German Rocket Scientists in 1952, the Huntsville Chamber Music Guild is now entering its 65th season. As always, we are pleased to bring the finest artists from around the world to perform for our audience in the Tennessee Valley.
Website: huntsvillehospitalfoundation.org
Social Media: Facebook | Instagram
Info: The Huntsville Hospital Foundation was established in 1978 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to develop relationships and financial resources to support the health care programs, projects and services of Huntsville Hospital.
Website: huntsvillelibraryfoundation.org
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter
Info: The Huntsville Library Foundation’s mission is to help the Huntsville Madison County Public Library be great. As advocates for the library, we raise awareness and funds to purchase books and other resources that the library uses to inspire readers and improve our community’s quality of life.
Website: hsvmuseum.org
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Info: The Huntsville Museum of Art, North Alabama’s leading visual arts center, moved to its beautiful facility in Big Spring International Park in March 1998. The nationally-accredited Museum fills its thirteen galleries with a variety of exhibitions throughout the year, including prestigious traveling exhibits and the work of nationally and regionally acclaimed artists.
Website: huntsvillelibraryfoundation.org
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter
Info: The Huntsville Library Foundation’s mission is to help the Huntsville Madison County Public Library be great. As advocates for the library, we raise awareness and funds to purchase books and other resources that the library uses to inspire readers and improve our community’s quality of life.
Website: hsvmuseum.org
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Info: The Huntsville Museum of Art, North Alabama’s leading visual arts center, moved to its beautiful facility in Big Spring International Park in March 1998. The nationally-accredited Museum fills its thirteen galleries with a variety of exhibitions throughout the year, including prestigious traveling exhibits and the work of nationally and regionally acclaimed artists.
Website: landtrustnal.org
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Info: The Land Trust preserves land and its legacies for conservation, public recreation, and environmental education to enhance the quality of life in North Alabama now and for the future.
Website: leadershiphsv.org
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Info: The mission of Leadership Huntsville/Madison County is to identify, educate, and inspire leaders to serve our community.
Website: merrimackhall.com
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Info: Merrimack Hall Performing Arts Center’s mission is to provide educational and performance opportunities to Huntsville’s established and emerging performers. Merrimack Hall brings national and international performing artists to the venue, enhancing the cultural offerings of our city.
Website: huntsvilleal.gov/environment/green-team
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Info: Huntsville’s Green Team endeavors to make Huntsville a role model for the state, region, and nation in terms of landscape beauty, cleanliness and environmental consciousness.
Website: huntsville.org
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Info: The Huntsville/Madison County Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) is a non-profit 501(c)(6) organization which creates economic growth for Huntsville/Madison County by marketing the city as a top-of-mind convention and visitor destination.
Website: thrivealabama.org
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Info: Thrive Alabama is committed to ending the AIDS epidemic by preventing new HIV infections and providing comprehensive care to those living with the disease.